
這篇和差不多同一時期他接受德國PlayBoy訪問內容差不多,他對同樣問題的回答態度都是一貫的。當他說Shaaf和Frings的好話時,PlayBoy要他"Be honest",他就是笑笑說這都是真話,他一直以來就是這麼想。那篇訪問也很有意思。

WERDER magazine: Diego, the Christmas celebration of the fan clubs you had a lot to do, the whole evening were surrounded - pure stress or a pleasant event?
DIEGO: (laughs) I actually had a lot of autographs, all wanted pictures. But I think that was a good thing, the fans in this way to come closer. So, there is something in Brazil not - we should introduce it.
Even your athletic achievements have helped the mood perfectly. How do you think your performance so far this season?
Very positive, I am very satisfied. Of course, it would be ideal if we are to square one. Because the big potential of our team is certainly there.

What are the main reasons that your personal performance this season is outstanding?
It is mainly the joy of the game. This is the mannschaftliche unity, the way my team, as we hold together as a group. And coach Thomas Schaaf has a large share of it. It's totally fun. And my satisfaction here at Werder simply expressed in my game.

The offensive game system you have already frequently mentioned as a reason?
Of course, that comes to me very well. But in modern football is not only the offensive. It is also important to stand defensively compact and well to the back to work. The succeeds us in the past few weeks getting better, except maybe the last game in Hanover. But the best part of football, not only for the fans but for us players, in fact, if you always win on plays, always hungry, gates to shoot.

Keyword: backward. You are exemplary in this relationship - and that, although you are offensive. How can you meet this enormous physical strength that is needed and all impressed?
The course is especially good at training. I work very hard. And that I also work for the defense, is also simply a characteristic of my game. We are a team, all help in the offensive and defensive - even me. So, I have already learned as a little boy.

Are you particularly intuitive, from the belly?
First: Each player has his own qualities, his aids, which he used in a game. And the decision when to what this means using falls mostly spontaneous. But of course, it is in my role as a game maker also important to read the game to be able to identify open spaces - practically "to play chess."

They need you often hard to resist attacks. Do you prefer to deal with the opponent?
I actually prefer the direct duels - have also fallen to me (laughs). Because they belong to the football. Of course we play as a collective against any opponent. But in the end, it also depends on how the individual fights Two held, and who are better and more often prevails. That is why it Zweikampf strength not only for me something very important.

This is your impressive technique and ball handling. Above all, the "back-pass" a few weeks ago, for a lot of stir. Are such Cabinet pieces in the Brazilian league commonplace?
No way. Also in Brazil would certainly be talked about.

You get the instructions of the coach on the edge now without interpreters Roland Martinez is. A good feeling?
Yes, it's nice to these important matters of football to German to understand. Even if I would have not so much understand.

Can you by the team on the pitch even better conduct?
Of course it helps me, I feel the fact that I on the German commands can, in any case, safer.

Against Real Madrid could you of the team because of the barrier after the yellow-red card in Rome not help. What are you thinking before the game came to the stadium?
I was very optimistic that the team believed and was firmly convinced that we would win. Quite honestly.

Because we have against other big teams like Chelsea and Barcelona here in Weser Stadium have delivered great games. And I was very sure that we are also against Real would succeed.

How much did you annoyed that you are with your friend Robinho not on the measure could place?
I was very sad for such a big game be able to be - regardless of the fact that it also went against Robinho.

Were you disappointed with the performance of Real Madrid?
They have no really good game. But it was our team a big share.

Can you be a positive development towards your Champions League performances in the past season watching?
We have fewer points than last year fetched. But I think one has yet seen that the game our team has become more mature. The more established you are, the better the team automatically.

There is much about your role in the Brazilian national team discussed. The fans in Germany believe you having more frequently used. How posel your recent travels to the "Selecao"?
I am always very happy and proud when I get to the national team will be invited. And then when I go out, I suppose every time, to give everything, to work hard and I fight for my place.

Are you not still a bit impatient, if you regularly use a maximum briefly come?
It is simply very difficult to settle in the Brazilian national team to enforce. Just play my position on two of the best players in the world. Of course I would also like to always play. But we must also be in a position to realistically assess his chances. I have patience. My time in the national team is yet to come.

What does it mean for Brazil, in 2014 that the soccer World Cup in your home country?
Such an extraordinary event can be a very valuable support for our country - sporty and economical. Many people are coming to Brazil, the infrastructure must be improved significantly. Of this, the country is sure to benefit.

A positive development also wish all Carlos Alberto. When will he help you with Werder?
When his compatriot and friend, I hope, of course, that he is very quick to be. He is an outstanding player. But just when it is so far, only the coach. I am sure that Carlos' time at Werder come soon.

Multiple you were in the Hinrunde after a home game from the journalists to the "Man of the Match". With the favour of Citibank ausgelobten premium support you, for example, the project "Gol Amigo." What are these?
"Gol Amigo" has the objective of disadvantaged children next to the school or other activities and perspectives and to offer them from the street to fetch. That happens with them by making music, theatre plays, sports operated. The project is only in the area of my hometown of Ribeirao Preto settled. But I want it in the next few years to expand and extend to the whole of Brazil. But we are still looking for sponsors, our commitment financially.

How do you contact?
I have here a group which takes care. These include family members, good friends, but also psychologists, and social workers who professionally for the project. And every time when I am there, I help with and support the work directly on the spot.

Back to football: What did you do in your first year at Werder learned?
I am, I continue to mature as a footballer, have experience and enjoy here at Werder a greater significance than ever before at a club. As a man I am very happy and satisfied and feel very good here in Bremen.

Nevertheless, it draws you in the coming weeks, of course, in your hometown. How will you spend Christmas?
We will be in Brazil with the whole family celebrating a fiesta, eat well and hope that Santa Claus brings gifts nice (laughs). Even as a child, Christmas was always a particularly good time for me.

Will you as a Christmas table first to celebrate?
(Laughs) I hope that we succeed. That would be a really special Christmas gift - not only for us but also for the fans. We are against Leverkusen also do everything possible in order to create.

Interview: Martin Lange

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