
整個事件的導火線是從上一輪開始,Nole和Tommy Robredo經過五盤大戰後,賽後訪問Tommy對Nole整場比賽中叫傷停這點有些質疑。

That's not that I don't believe. I have pain, as well. I was running like hell and my feet were burning but I say nothing, no? I think that if you're not fit enough, then don't play.

But after every time he was asking for a trainer, he was running like hell and he was making the shot, but he does what he does a lot of times.

So I think we should take care a lot more of these things, because one thing is that if you fell down like I did, I can have blood and it's normal that trainer gets in because there's blood or whatever. But for having pain, Ihad pain, as well, all over my body because I think I run a lot more than him, and I said nothing, no?

So did I trust him? No. No. I think he took his time because he did it because he was a little bit more tired and that's a part of the game. It help him a lot.


he hip was the problem, yeah, during the match, but it was more exhaustion.

After the long match on Sunday night, I didn't have so much time... so I kind of ruined that biorhythm and this morning I woke up, I didn't feel really great. I felt soreness in my muscles and mostly in my hip. I made some quick movements in the match, and reacted. Luckily for me, it wasn't really that bad.


Q. When asked about his injuries today, mentioning the right ankle as opposed
to the left ankle, the other day ??
ANDY RODDICK: Isn't it both of them? And a back and a hip?

Q. And when he said there are too many to count.
ANDY RODDICK: And a cramp.

Q. Do you get the sense right now that he is...

Q. Lot of things. Beijing hangover.

Q. He's got pretty long list of illness.
ANDY RODDICK: Anthrax. SARS. Common cough and cold.

Q. Got a lot of things going on with him.

Q. Do you think he's bluffing?
ANDY RODDICK: No, I mean, I'm sure ??

Q. The way you're saying it, almost means you feel like...
ANDY RODDICK: No, if it's there, it's there. There's just a lot. You know,he's either quick to call a trainer or he's the most courageous guy of all time. I think it's up for you guys to decide.



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Q. You've clearly ticked him off with comments about SARS and bird flu and
everything. He took himself to bring it up in front of a stadium that booed
him loudly and even Michael tried to steer it and he just kept it going. Is
that a bad call on his part?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, I mean, listen, here's the deal: I mean, if you guys
haven't ever seen me joke in a press conference, I'd be shocked, okay?

I think you guys know it was completely meant in jest. Listen, I had four
questions from each one, I had eight questions about all the other ones.
Finally after 12 questions I decided to make light of the situation and it
actually stopped after that. Or it screwed me up and you guys got me out of

I'm willing to talk about it. I don't know if, you know ?? he took it as
seriously. I figure if you're going to joke and imitate other people and do
the whole deal, then you should take it. Listen, if someone makes fun of me
I'm most likely going to laugh. If I'm over the line I'm going to come in
here and say I was ridiculous. And I was wrong. I've been the worst of it in
the past. By no means am I sitting here trying to be holier than thou or
anything like that. But I promise you that if somebody makes a joke about it
I'll probably laugh.

I'm sorry he took it that way. There's nothing else to say. I don't think I
was over the line. It wasn't my intention, and, you know, I'm sorry he felt
that way. Maybe I did him a favor tonight.

I wasn't able to practice. One of the reasons was physically that, you know, I was exhausted and the other reason was that I just mentally had a lot of pressure.

Unfortunately, Andy made a statement ‑‑ I don't think it was intentional, okay. He made a joke and it was a misunderstanding, so I don't blame it on him. Okay. I did react on the court. Maybe I reacted. Maybe I exaggerated and reacted bad in that moment. No, I apologize if I reacted like that. But this was just impulsive, you know.

I had a lot of emotions in last two days. It's not nice when you get that from media all around the world and from players, and I never needed to make any excuses in the press. I just didn't need ‑‑ because I know that what I'm doing is right, that I have all the rights to take the medical timeout, that I'm doing it just for the purpose to make my physical condition better and just that I continue playing better.

I never made medical timeout because I wanted to distract the player, the opponent, or, you know, make the result look worse, you know.

And I just never did it. I didn't pay attention when I took the medical timeout. I just didn't care about it. Medical timeout is there because physiotherapist are there and doctors are there to help you out. This is what I did. I just took the medicals to help me out.

Maybe the people think that I'm exaggerating with these things, but it's just ‑‑ it's nothing bad, nothing negative, because I just ‑‑ I twist my ankle, I feel bad, you know. I get the pain in the back.


關於這件事我的想法是,事實上就是一個有點衝動的年輕人在不對的場合說了不得體的話,但是Nole生氣的原因並不是無法理解。賽前Andy的Joke整個讓我笑的很開心,事實上我還蠻喜歡Andy這種搞笑風格XD,但是同樣的,也許是在不對的時機或是不對的人身上,這樣的笑話就變的很嚴重。任何一個選手被懷疑詐傷當然心裡都會不舒服,在這種情況下開人家玩笑,也許有人可以take it easy,對某些人來說就會不小心誤觸地雷,但我覺得其實沒有甚麼對錯之分,純粹是從個人的角度來看妥不妥當和能不能接受罷了,總之就只是涉及個人底限的問題。換個情況來講,也許今天不是觸及敏感的詐傷話題,Andy式的玩笑應該大多數人都能一笑置之。但是不能否認Nole在愛許球場對觀眾嗆聲非常不智,尤其是沒有人問到你對Andy的笑話看法為何,自己就霹靂啪啦的先開砲。這裡最糟的一點是,美國觀眾一面倒的支持Andy當然不是因為Nole詐傷,就算有那麼一小部分,大部分的人都只是單純因為Andy是美國人罷了,但是自己講觀眾因為詐傷才不支持他,對觀眾而言很明顯的就是種挑釁,所以得到噓聲說老實話實在無可厚非。


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