Q. Did you like the Davis Cup atmosphere or did you think the fans were a bit over the edge?

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, it was Davis Cup atmosphere. I played some matches in Davis Cup. It was the same, yes. It was a lot of people. It was very, very big match, yeah.

Q. How are you feeling at the moment? Take us through your emotions.

RICHARD GASQUET: Really sad because, you know, I lost. I had match point. Bad luck with the backhand.

But I couldn't do better than I did so... That's tennis.

Q. How does it rate with some of the five‑set matches you've played?
RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, I played some matches in five sets. But it was one of my best. It was a really big match.

But unfortunately, I lost it.

Q. Do you see any similarity with the game you had at Wimbledon with Andy Murray?
RICHARD GASQUET: I played better today than there. I was physically better. I played the best match against him than Murray.

Q. There's a lot of strong French male players this year. Do you think one of your teammates has a chance to win?
RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, yeah, I think. They are in the fourth round, so yeah. All three can win the tournament, yes.

Q. Which one do you think is strongest?
RICHARD GASQUET: They are playing the same game. They are all playing very good, so I really don't know.

Q. Were you hampered by your foot during the match?
RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, I broke my nail. Not easy to play, yes.

Q. When you were leading two sets to love, were you confident you could finish it off then?

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, but he fight a lot. You have to win three sets. He's a great player, so I knew it could be hard to finish the match.

But I try my best.

Q. Do you think you've hit many better shots than that passing shot to save a set point?

RICHARD GASQUET: I played a big match. I'm really sad. But that's tennis. He played unbelievable. He fight a lot, so... It was a big atmosphere and a big match, yes.

Q. What was going through your mind at the match point in the third set?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I just trying 'cause he was playing really a high level. I mean, he was playing like a superhero, maybe. I mean, I couldn't do anything. I was 6‑3, 4‑1, I couldn't do too much. After I broke him once, but still, you know...

I saw that he was trying to save energy. I don't know the reason. I saw he was really tired in the fourth set, fifth set. In the first set, I tried to move him, tried to play long points and try to do something else. If I went for my shots, he was coming with another better one. So, was very tough in the beginning.

Q. In the fifth set, were you playing on adrenaline or did you go in with a game plan?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Well, when we went to the fifth set, I feel really good. I feel the favorite for the match. But you never know. I have a couple of match points maybe in the fourth game, and I couldn't break him. And after that, I mean, you know, 6‑All, 8‑All, 9‑All, 10‑All, anything can happen. You have to keep fighting and wait for your chances.

Q. You've played a lot of tough five‑set matches. Where does that one rate?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: This one? I think this is the longest one. I remember I play once in Davis Cup. It feels great, you know. I have really a lot of support from the Chilean fans. It was really, really exciting to be out there.

Q. Do you think it's the best one you've played?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Maybe. It's the most exciting match, maybe. I don't know. I didn't play for many years, so maybe you don't remember every match. I'm really happy the way I turned over the match.

Q. There was a point in the third set in the tiebreaker, it got called out. Can you talk about how it felt, whether the decision was right or wrong?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I don't remember exactly. I remember I had a set point. But I don't remember the point. There were too many points.

Q. You play some of yours best tennis at Melbourne Park. Is there a reason for that?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I like to play here. The weather is similar to back home at this time. I have a lot of Chilean support. The people here is really nice. The surface, I like to play here.

This is the first slam of the year, so you come with a lot of energy here.


Q. The match point when you saw Richard hitting the backhand, did you think it was going in?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I thought that it was going in. But, you know, after four hours, I mean, if I'm going to lose, I'm going to try, you know. I'm not going to keep waiting. So, maybe it's not my best shot, but the important that it was in.

Q. How big a factor was the crowd?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, it's like to play at home, you know. I love to play Davis Cup. I love to play the tournament in Chile. Came here and see, I don't know, 500, 1,000 Chileans supporting me every time, every match, every year. It's really important for me.

Q. Did it give you a bit of an advantage?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, I went to the court and I feel like I need to jump, I need to do something else. Especially after four hours' match, they're still supporting. I mean, it feels really nice to be really far away from home and have that kind of support.

Q. Do they set off flares at the end of the match in Chile?
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: No. That surprised me.

Q. Tough opponent in the next round. Do you get much of a chance to celebrate, or back on the job tomorrow morning?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I have 48 hours, maybe a little bit less. But I want to enjoy this moment. I think I won a really tough match that I will remember for the rest of my life. Then I have to be focused to play Nadal.

I like to be focused on the match maybe just a little bit before the match. I don't like to think too much how I'm going to play, how he going to play. I mean, I've been playing too much matches in my career. So just try to enjoy and try to play my best. 我還有48小時,也許更少。但我想享受一下這一刻,我贏了一場很艱難的比賽,我大概一輩子都會記得吧。然後我才會想去打Nadal的事。

Q. How is the body feeling? Are you going to need much time to recover after this one?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: My body is still alive. That's important. I mean, it doesn't matter how I feel because I have to play anyway so going to try my best to recover myself for after tomorrow.

Q. After the fourth set, were you surprised to see Richard able to fight so much?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: I was surprised because the way that he starts to playing, serve and volley. I couldn't pass him. I mean, he was cover the net really well. He's really fast. I mean, I know Richard. I watch. I like his game. But I think we practice maybe one or two times in my life. So we never played too much each other. He's really fast and he have really good hand, you know.

In the beginning, I couldn't do anything. That backhand is the best.

這場比賽莫名的讓我想到TRAVIS的兩首歌分別適合小加和Gonzo,小加的無奈適合Why does it always rain on me,Gonzo適合Turn,巧的是這兩首歌在《The Man Who》裡曲序一前一後。下次要幫小加配首快樂的歌。


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